Weight of Meal Recommended Slow Cooker Size

0-2 Pounds (0-32 oz)

Use a 1.5-3 quart slow cooker. 2 quarts is the optimal size.

2.5-4 Pounds (40-64 oz)

Use a 3-4.5 quart slow cooker. 4 quarts is the optimal size.

4.5-6 Pounds (72-96 oz)

Use a 4-6 quart slow cooker. 5 quarts is the optimal size.

6.5-8 Pounds (104-128 oz)

Use a 5-7 quart slow cooker. 6 quarts is the optimal size.

8.5-10 Pounds (136-160 oz)

Use a 6-8 quart slow cooker. 7 quarts is the optimal size.